a checklist of everything a new mom needs in her hospital bag

Hospital Bag Checklist: What to Pack for Labor, Delivery and Postpartum

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Everything you will actually need in your hospital bag, from a mama who is packing her bag the second time around!

I remember reading a ton of posts about what to pack in my hospital bag for my first baby. After having been through labor and delivery once already, I now know what I actually used and needed, as well as what I wish I had brought with me.

I like to try and pack lightly, but also be prepared for anything. I would rather have too much than not enough!

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Here is everything you, your baby and your partner will need for your hospital stay!

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Hospital Bag Checklist for Mom



  • Favorite music/entertainment (laptop for movies etc during your hospital stay)
  • Birth plan
  • Birthing ball (if your hospital doesn’t provide one)
  • Affirmation cards
  • Piece of pool noodle/tennis balls in a sock (amazing rolled on your lower back, particularly if you have back labor TRUST ME)



Hospital Bag Checklist for Dad/Birthing Partner

  • Comfy clothes
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Snacks
  • Camera
  • Phone charger

Hospital Bag Checklist for Baby

For the most part it is all general things you would be using at home, but there are definitely some labor and postpartum items you DO NOT want to forget. Your hospital will most likely provide a few things like diapers, a swaddle blanket, some giant pads/mesh underwear and a birthing ball. They may also provide medicated nipple cream, Tylenol, and of course any other medication you may need.

You will most likely be in a hospital gown for during labor and after, but you don’t have to! I did so when things got messy I didn’t get it on my own clothes.

I do remember not bringing enough comfy outfits for after, even though I was only in the hospital for two or three days. I think I only brought one or two outfits? I brought maternity leggings which were fine but what I really wanted were sweats. So make sure you get yourself a few cute, loose and comfy outfits specifically for hanging out in the hospital.

Don’t forget to grab a copy of this list down below! This is absolutely everything you will need in your hospital bag!

what to pack in your hospital bag

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